Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella
Monday, December 25, 2006
Too Many Yesteryears
I stare across my window sill,
beyond the frenzied patterns of the rusting grill
A stark sky dotted with dazzling stars,
as if a satanic face of heavens gorged with bright scars
Tucked under creased blankets, a stank bedspread under my hind,
A thought creeps into my mind
How does my little window frame this infinite sky’s face?
Audacity conducted with grace
The sky color strangely reminds of old, blotted ink,
& the smell of smudged words appear along memory’s brink
Words incessantly scribbled with undulating passion,
and woven thereafter for fictitious fashion
Where are those words where are those tales?
Oh, my memory is stained with darkness my senses pale
Those stories have now escaped beyond the gates of anonymity,
their presence consumed by failure’s sorority
Stories that once carried torches of hope,
in a young heart to which everything seemed possible – with any difficulty it could cope,
It dawns on me that my heart has grown old,
my yesteryears have jaded it with mildew of melancholy and a lachrymose mold
So many yesteryears nothing that can console,
all they have left in my heart is a tear-stained hole
No warmth of love no material glory,
If only the book of my life had but one happy story
I let out a tired sigh,
my tears dried up I cannot even cry
Hope has eluded me each time I knocked on its door,
Oh, I have no faith left in its allure
My heart is as cold as the winter night outside,
all is icy within – the flowing warm blood stirs nothing inside
And then the clock chimes the midnight tune,
the desert of my life loaded with another day, another dune
It suddenly dawns on me it is the 19th of December,
I surprise myself – cause I never expected to remember
I knit my arms around my shoulders giving myself a hug,
I wish myself “happy birthday” & sense wilted yesteryears giving tear-flooded eyes a tug
Ballads of love
Music of anklets usher for him an era of ecstasy,
shadows swept away by the winds of change
Her little footsteps bridging the spaces the separate,
hearts alternately whispering tales of anxiety and promises
Games of peek-a-boo played with fluttering curtains,
moonlight etching out nimble emotions
He and she now in the open – nothing more to hide,
their arms entwining in an embrace of urgency
Gasps fill the air – wondering over the potency of love,
almost immediately unseen kisses felt by faces in the dark
Throes of applause resound as curtains descent,
Audience sigh & utter, “Ah, if life were but a ballad of love”
Sunday, December 24, 2006
A tiny swallow descending over the crumbling port
her brilliant azure lost
to the ocean’s immense blue
A dot of red placed over shut eyes
a tear of infinite piety
veiled by a sudden rush of Benrasi silks
Ahir Bhairav emerging from the moving boat
eternity in transience across some distant shore
suddenly muffled by the clamor of the devout
Terrains of dreamland drowned in an omnipotent mauve
promises of ecstasy vaguely crumbled by the alarm of dawn
reminders of the mundane of existence that lies ahead
Tired eyes stolen from the blinking screen
in moments of hushed contemplation
quest for the purpose of pilgrimages – so lost to the witchcraft of routine
An answer emerges –luminescent as the oil lamp that flickers on the altar
Amidst the fragrance & smoke of frankincense sticks
& a reverent gaze watches across folded palms even when eyes lay shut
The clangs of the temple bell remains and so does the peal of the conch
Starkly reminiscent of the cry of soul
so eager to merge with point of origin
The holy chants remain and so do the songs of distant lands
all placid reminders of the sublime journey to undertaken
from darkness to light
Yes indeed reassure the infinite, loving eyes from my little altar
what remains of a pilgrimage is the very essence of life
the ambrosia of after that parched lips yearn to sip
My questions are laid to rest
tired limbs drift to sleep
life experienced as a lilting petal floating over the Ganges between me and Him
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
As the sun fades in the twilight zone,
I feel awfully alone,
A boat moves along the tumultuous river,
& my being feels a tender shiver,
As shadows from the past appear menacingly near,
My well of grief consumes another tear,
I beseech unto the boatman, “Pray, your name I wish to hear”,
In a hapless conversation, I hope to forget that I have lost something dear,
But I realize – there in no way out,
I ought to face the reality and fight it out,
I wish to forget; I wish to rise,
I have to take myself by surprise,
I need to travel and move on,
The journey of life beckons – I cannot stay on,
Many more miles to go, a lot many things to achieve,
My true identity I must retrieve,
The world is not kind to a lonely soul and yet I shall not rest,
Till I discover that which is the best,
So I knell the fear and the tear,
And I move on, with the hope that one day my destination will be near,
But for now, as the sun sets and all is stark,
On my journey – lonesome and solitary, I embark…
Sunday, December 10, 2006

An ocean of sadness – its velvety blue woven with the inscrutable heavy brown of being,
Rises in tyrannical waves from my eyes towards the unknown shore of melancholic bliss,
Alongside its journey, crumbling the heart,
Like wood piled onto a pyre – discarded and unwanted,
Sepia toned missives from the bygone days,
Their letters fading like the memories of a distant dream,
Flutter in the room like an injured reptile,
The messengers of love and longing have escaped from their once crisp paper,
And have disappeared down the unending pockets of time,
A mud-stained satin blankets me with a vengeance akin to that of a shroud,
And I lie there resigned like a mould battered by the tears of despondent clouds,
Everything moves like the incessant tick of the clock – the clouds, the tears, the sepia toned letters,
But all within is still – the heart, the feelings, the dreams – like the sensations of an atrophied limb,
In the season of stillness, the beating of the heart churns like a cruel whirlpool, a reminder of existence,
Beyond a stratum where the rainbows and sunshine can no longer be seen,
Suddenly, the border of the other world appears stunningly near,
Filling me with the aplomb of infinite possibilities,
And the heartbeat – the enemy in the garb of an alley irks no longer as much,
I move towards that border hopes of the life gone by discarded like the skin of a snake,
New hopes to step the line of that boundary burn within like the passion of a tiger during the season of heat,
Evocative iridescence and hushed, stark whispers will interlace in posterity if one does so surface on that border between worlds,
But for now my gaze is filled with eclectic beams of seething light, that chars my body and blinds my eyes,
The failed hopes of yesterday, those sepia tones letters, and the tears smolder in that light like the carcass of a laughing hyena trapped in the jungle fire.
Friday, December 01, 2006

Across the shores of vicissitude
Shattered dreams, broken window panes,
Echoes of a lifetime scattered across barren planes,
Searching glances responded to with an accusing gaze,
Promises of an eternity effaced by a distending haze,
A riot of thoughts squabble with intimidating questions,
The heart a hapless prey for the ensuing belligerent machinations,
Roses of love pile up in discarded heaps,
Their sheen lies wilted, their beauty consumed in eager leaps,
Stealthy marauders pilfer from the garden of the soul,
Leaving behind a bleeding gash and an unending hole,
The soul as always offers congenially,
Eclectic beams of love veiling its eyes ingeniously,
That the marauder is an alley is the soul’s surmise,
Only after the damage is done does it awake to the guise,
Aching with the pangs of a lost bloom,
Tear-stained eyes watch the merry marauder with irrepressible gloom,
Eyes shut on illusory promises and unfaithful love,
Life shut on discarded horizons and a wing-broken dove,
Moments limp along on the crutches of the past,
Hoping the end is approaching fast,
And then one day, a prosaic truth draped in a ashen white cloak,
Knocks on the closed doors of life with a gentle stroke,
‘Pray, let me in the shut doors’ it pleads,
The heart refuses even as it pitifully bleeds,
Utters an unperturbed truth, ‘The faster you accept me as a guest,
The easier can you giver your turmoil a rest,
It is in your best interest,
That you accept my behest’
Doors splay open, the charred innards revealed,
Truth stares on, its calm disposition pealed,
‘My name in unrequited love’ states the guest,
‘You have loved and lost, left with but an aching chest,
Mark my words – new horizons await,
There is much more to life than infidel love that offers you as bait,
Life is a canto divine,
If you but become mine,
That’s the secret of life my dear,
Accept the truth, and redolent blooms appear swiftly nearly’,
As the heart throws truth a suspicious glance,
A waft reaches it – almost by chance,
The aromatic wafts heal it some,
And the heart absentmindedly utter, ‘Many more dawns, yet to come’,
‘A thousand suns wait to be discovered behind every cloud,
If only the eyes discern and shed their melencholic shroud’.