Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
As the sun fades in the twilight zone,
I feel awfully alone,
A boat moves along the tumultuous river,
& my being feels a tender shiver,
As shadows from the past appear menacingly near,
My well of grief consumes another tear,
I beseech unto the boatman, “Pray, your name I wish to hear”,
In a hapless conversation, I hope to forget that I have lost something dear,
But I realize – there in no way out,
I ought to face the reality and fight it out,
I wish to forget; I wish to rise,
I have to take myself by surprise,
I need to travel and move on,
The journey of life beckons – I cannot stay on,
Many more miles to go, a lot many things to achieve,
My true identity I must retrieve,
The world is not kind to a lonely soul and yet I shall not rest,
Till I discover that which is the best,
So I knell the fear and the tear,
And I move on, with the hope that one day my destination will be near,
But for now, as the sun sets and all is stark,
On my journey – lonesome and solitary, I embark…

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