Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella

Sunday, December 24, 2006


A tiny swallow descending over the crumbling port
her brilliant azure lost
to the ocean’s immense blue

A dot of red placed over shut eyes
a tear of infinite piety
veiled by a sudden rush of Benrasi silks

Ahir Bhairav emerging from the moving boat
eternity in transience across some distant shore
suddenly muffled by the clamor of the devout

Terrains of dreamland drowned in an omnipotent mauve
promises of ecstasy vaguely crumbled by the alarm of dawn
reminders of the mundane of existence that lies ahead

Tired eyes stolen from the blinking screen
in moments of hushed contemplation
quest for the purpose of pilgrimages – so lost to the witchcraft of routine

An answer emerges –luminescent as the oil lamp that flickers on the altar
Amidst the fragrance & smoke of frankincense sticks
& a reverent gaze watches across folded palms even when eyes lay shut

The clangs of the temple bell remains and so does the peal of the conch
Starkly reminiscent of the cry of soul
so eager to merge with point of origin

The holy chants remain and so do the songs of distant lands
all placid reminders of the sublime journey to undertaken
from darkness to light

Yes indeed reassure the infinite, loving eyes from my little altar
what remains of a pilgrimage is the very essence of life
the ambrosia of after that parched lips yearn to sip

My questions are laid to rest
tired limbs drift to sleep
life experienced as a lilting petal floating over the Ganges between me and Him
posted by Shaz at 6:09 AM


Took my breath away. Thank you for the ethereal experience

6:22 AM  

" experienced as a lilting petal floating over the Ganges between me and Him...."
Where the pilgrim's quest ended, the poet's journey began.

8:28 PM  

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