Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella

Monday, December 25, 2006

Ballads of love

Music of anklets usher for him an era of ecstasy,
shadows swept away by the winds of change

Her little footsteps bridging the spaces the separate,
hearts alternately whispering tales of anxiety and promises

Games of peek-a-boo played with fluttering curtains,
moonlight etching out nimble emotions

He and she now in the open – nothing more to hide,
their arms entwining in an embrace of urgency

Gasps fill the air – wondering over the potency of love,
almost immediately unseen kisses felt by faces in the dark

Throes of applause resound as curtains descent,
Audience sigh & utter, “Ah, if life were but a ballad of love”
posted by Shaz at 10:06 PM


O GOD !!!!!!!!! Too Good

7:21 PM  

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