Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella
Thursday, June 22, 2006

The mythological manifesto etched in the tales of yore is enlightening, echoing the irrepressible truth of our splayed lives: love is often veiled by the cloak of feeling colored in an emotive iridescence, and the brightness of the luminosity that rises thereof often blinds us to the gross, at times startlingly simple reality called love. Indeed, love is not as complex as we make it out to be. It is the reality we guzzle throughout our lives, and yet are impervious to its taste, much like how the neophytes of life lot are impervious to the taste of life-engraving water. And yet, just like how the parched gullet echoes appreciation for the taste of water, the one who has unveiled the many hues of nimble emotions gone awry, the beauty of true love becomes stunningly eloquent: it is a vivid beauty of on ocean thats there and not there, and drowning into which fills our being with mists of ecstasy.
posted by Shaz at 12:42 AM

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