Myriad Reflections. Shastri Akella
Thursday, May 10, 2007

She arrived in a rush
her gown swirling & swelling
golden locks entangled & strewn all over her face
‘can you please mind this word for me’, she requested
crimson lips shivering whilst spelling her etiquette-dabbed question
‘Can’t you see my hands are full’, I ask, baffled
‘pantomimes swimming in my arms,
free verse crawling over my shoulders,
words spilling over,
a tender thought, a fragile dream holding together the complex design
in a varnished cauldron of inspiration’
a flicker of pride in my voice,
Tut-tut vain writer
‘but it is just one word I want you to mind’ she restates
‘I promise I shan’t be long,
I’m off for but a brief swim in the oceans of madness,
to taste the sweet ambrosia of genesis in
all its archaic glory’
Intrigued, I offer my consent:
‘place it on the white sheet there,
the paper was meant for a requiem of lost muse,
but it shall now be the caretaker of your word’
‘You are a generous soul’ she cooed,
as the word cascaded from her cupped calms,
a tumble of azure with sparkling-white dust motes,
imprinting itself brazenly on my crusty parchment,
in grand sweeps & callous curves
the dawns faded, the moon depleted, the days slid past,
silent hours of the in-between
spent seeking the flutter of golden hair across my mahogany door,
but there is no sign of her return
when she finally emerged at the brink of my property,
I bawled, ‘Lost in the dollops of time when you vanished:
poetic notes of musical meter,
precious tales of jewel shimmer,
all because your big fat word,
sat at the center of my page:
the only available cushioning,
for all my thoughts’
‘patience’, she said,
the timber of her voice etched with discovered notes of self-assuredness
her outstretched hand & an open palm,
offer me a diamond,
one that could have as well been a star from the galaxy,
glittering & aglow with a cosmic allure
I pick my quill & dab it with the ink of muse,
to capture that vivid beauty in a free verse of sorts
She objects with raised eyebrows, ‘Not for muse,
‘but for pain.
It takes a diamond to cut another,
it takes pain to open up the tunnels of poetry,
for after all, is not all poetry,
the quintessence of pain:
the final distilled remains,
of pain sanitized of human trauma & prejudice’
she flung the diamond at my chest,
& it became awash in my blood
I clutch my bleeding heart,
& find my poetry afloat,
unbridled & free from the fetters of a thinking mind,
appending bits of infinite to flood the milky way,
it suddenly strikes me,
the absence of that word from my attention span,
the one that sat silently on my page all this while.
She ran past,
& I saw the sweep of azure,
my lips moist with tears,
as I spell it out, that word.
True: it takes a diamond to cut another,
& pain to decipher the crystallized sum of all pain:
the artifact I discover on my page,
& that imprints my poetry with a finishing signature of eternity.